浙江大学王晓伟教授团队长期致力于揭示烟粉虱快速入侵的生态与分子机制。该团队早期研究表明,烟粉虱分泌的唾液蛋白效应因子能够抑制植物防御,显著提升其在寄主植物上的适应性(Xu et al., 2019; Du et al., 2022)。然而,除了唾液蛋白,烟粉虱唾液中的其他组分是否具备效应因子的功能,以及其作用机制如何,尚未深入探讨。
参考文献:Du, H., Xu, H.-X., Wang, F., Qian, L.-X., Liu, S.-S., and Wang, X.-W. (2022). Armet from whitefly saliva acts as an effector to suppress plant defences by targeting tobacco cystatin.New Phytologist234:1848–1862.Xu, H.-X., Qian, L.-X., Wang, X.-W., Shao, R.-X., Hong, Y., Liu, S.-S., and Wang, X.-W. (2019). A salivary effector enables whitefly to feed on host plants by eliciting salicylic acid-signaling pathway.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America116:490–495.内容来源:溪远讲植物科学